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Structural Kitchen

A Learning TypeScript > Functions 🍲 entree project.

Greetings. I am Chef Syntax, creator of the famed Structural Kitchen restaurant. We humbly request your aid in digitizing our kitchen management software.

A createKitchen function must be created that returns an object containing functions. It must receive an initial budget and two functions as parameters. It should create some state for the kitchen internally.

If you are willing and able to be of service, see below for our exact specification.


If you haven't yet, set up the repository locally.

git clone learning-typescript-projects
cd learning-typescript-projects
npm i
git clone learning-typescript-projects
cd learning-typescript-projects
npm i

Open your editor in this project's directory:

code projects/functions/structural-kitchen
code projects/functions/structural-kitchen

In one terminal, run the TypeScript compiler via the tsc script. For example, to start the TypeScript compiler in watch mode:

npm run tsc -- --watch
npm run tsc -- --watch

In another terminal, run Jest via the test script. For example, to start tests in watch mode:

npm run test -- --watch
npm run test -- --watch


You must export a createKitchen function. Inside the kitchen is the following state:

  • dirt: How much dirt is in the kitchen, initially 0
  • stock: How much of each of the following are in the kitchen, each initially 0:
    • breads
    • fruits
    • sauces
    • vegetables

It must take in three parameters:

  1. budget: A starting budget number the kitchen may use for its costs
  2. cleaner: A function with...
    • Parameters:
      1. dirt: How much dirt is in the kitchen
      2. time (optional): How much time to spend cleaning
    • Return: A new number for how much dirt should be left in the kitchen
  3. supplier: A function with...
    • Parameters:
      1. expense: How much money from the budget will be spent on purchasing
    • Return: An object with for each stock ingredient name keyed to how much to increase that ingredient by

It must return an object with the following properties:

  • announce: A function that returns a string in the format (replacing each # with the corresponding number):

    I have # much dirt, # budget, # bread(s), # fruit(s), # sauce(s), and # vegetable(s).
    I have # much dirt, # budget, # bread(s), # fruit(s), # sauce(s), and # vegetable(s).
  • clean: A function that sets the dirt state to the result of calling cleaner on the existing dirt amount and time parameter.

    • Parameters:
      1. time (optional): How much time to spend cleaning
  • purchase: A function that takes in an expense amount and, if there is enough budget for that expense, calls supplier with it and increases stock by the results.

    • Parameters:
      1. expense: How much money to spend on cleaning
    • Return: A boolean indicating whether there was enough budget
  • prepare: A function that attempts to make a recipe and increase dirt state by 1, but only if the dirt state is below 100.

    • Parameters:
      1. recipe: A function that takes in an object describing the ingredients, and returns either:
        • Failure result: an object containing succeeded: false
        • Success result: an object containing succeeded: true and a newStock property indicating the new ingredients state
      • Return: A boolean indicating whether dirt was previously below 100 and the recipe was successfully created

Please use an explicit return type annotation on the createKitchen function. Call that aliased object type Kitchen.


Note: your terminal should be in the structural-kitchen directory, not the root repository's directory.

  • Don't use any.